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Ques. : 1 Connection or link to other documents or Web pages that contain related information is called

1) dial­up
2) electronic commerce
3) hyperlink
4) e­cash
5) domain name

Ans.) 3

Ques. : 2 Microsoft's Messanger allows users to
1) bypass a browser to surf the Web
2) create a blog
3) communicate via direct live communication
4) identify and eliminate spam
5) make graphic presentation

Ans.) 3

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Ques. : 3 Portable computer, also known as laptop computer, weighing between 4 and 10 pounds is called
1) general­purpose application
2) Internet
3) scanner
4) notebook computer
5) None of these

Ans.) 4

Ques. : 4 The main circuit­board of the system unit is the
1) computer program
2) control unit
3) motherboard
4) RAM
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 5 Where are you likely to find an embedded operating system?
1) On a desktop operating system
2) on a networked PC
3) on a network server
4) on a PDA
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 6 Manipulating data to create information is known as
1) Feedback
2) Programming
3) Processing
4) Analysis
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 7 A compiler translates higher­level programs into a machine language program, which is called
1) source code
2) object code
3) compiled code
4) beta code
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 8 What contains the computer BIOS and maintains its data with the use of a battery for periods when the system is powered down?
2) RAM
4) CPU
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 9 Something which has easily­understood instructions in said to be
1) user friendly
2) information
3) word processing
4) icon
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 10 What is output?
1) What the processor takes from the user.
2) What the user gives to the processor.
3) What the processor rejects.
4) What the processor gives to the user.
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 11 A repair for a known software bug, usually available at no charge on the Internet, is called a(n)
1) version
2) patch
3) tutorial
4) FAQ
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 12 Reference to each file on a disk are stored in a
1) file allocation table
2) root allocation table
3) linking directory
4) root directory
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 13 Only ________program(s) remain(s) active even though we can open many programs at a time.
1) one
2) two
3) three
4) four
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 14 When the margins on both the sides are straight and equal, then there is ________in the document.
1) full justification
2) full alignment
3) left justification
4) right justification
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 15 The primary goal of a computer is to turn data into
1) ideas
2) suggestions
3) information
4) reports
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 16   What is the main folder on a storage device called?
1) Platform
2) Interface
3) Root directory
4) Device driver
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 17 If you receive and e­mail from someone you don't know, what should you do?
1) Forward it to the Police immediately
2) Delete it without opening it
3) Open it and respond to him/her
4) Reply and seek their identity
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 18 Computer ___________is whatever is typed, submitted or transmitted to a computer system.
1) input
2) output
3) data
4) circuitry
5) None of these

Ans.) 1

Ques. : 19 Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are called
1) effects
2) custom animation
3) transition
4) animation
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 20 Computers send and receive data in the form of ________ signals.
1) analog
2) digital
3) modulated
4) demodulated
5) All the above
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 21 Most World Wide Web pages contain commands in the language
1) NIH
2) URL
4) IRC
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 22 _________ are graphical objects used to represent commonly used applications.
1) GUI
2) Drivers
3) Windows
4) Applications
5) Icons
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 23 Computers connected to a LAN can
1) run faster
2) go online
3) share information and/or share peripheral
4) e­mail equipment
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 24 Whenever you have to give space between the two words while typing on a PC we have to press a key known as
1) Backspace 2) Shift
3) Control 4) Escape
5) Space bar
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 25 Secondary storage
1) does not require constant power
2) does not use magnetic media
3) consists of foour main types of devices
4) does not store information for later retrieval
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 26 The first computers were programmed using
1) assembly language
2) machine language
3) spaghetti code
4) source code
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 27 Which of the following functions is NOT performed by the servers?
1) e­mail processing
2) Database sharing
3) Processing websites
4) Storage
5) Word processing
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 28 The ________ controls a client's computer resources.
1) application program 2) instruction set
3) operating system 4) server application
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 29 The Internet allows you to
1) send e­mail
2) view web pages
3) connect to servers all around the world
4) All the above
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 30 What kind of software would you most likely use to keep track of a billing account?
1) Word processing
2) Electronic publishing
3) Spreadsheet
4) Web authoring
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 31 Text and graphics that have been cut or copied are stored in an area called the
1) Pasterboard
2) Copyboard
3) Clipboard
4) Cuttingboard
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 32 Which of the following is an example of a storage device?
1) Magnetic disk
2) Tapes

3) DVDs
4) All of these
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 33 The ________file format is a method to encoding pictures on a computer.
3) FTP 4) URL
5) DOC
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 34 What is the process of copying software programs from secondary storage media to the hard disk called?
1) configuration
2) download
3) storage
4) upload
5) istallation
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 35 The property that, when classes are arranged in a hierarchy, each class assumes the attributes and methods of its ancestores is
1) Inheritance
2) generalisation
3) encapsulation
4) information hiding
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 36 The software component of an expert system that draws conclusions is the ___________.
1) user interface
2) database
3) inference engine
4) I/O controller
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 37 The attributes and methods for each object are stored in
1) an object instance
2) an object connection
3) an assembly structure
4) an object repository
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 38 What is backup?
1) Adding more components to your network
2) Protecting data by copying it from the original
source to a different destination
3) Filtering old data from the new data
4) Accessing data on tape
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 39 Which of the following is true?
1) A byte is a single digit in a binary number.
2) A bit represents a group of digital numbers.
3) Eight­digit binary number is called a byte.
4) Eight­digit binary number is called a bit.
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 40 A _______is an organised collection of data about a single entity.
1) file
2) library
3) database
4) dictionary
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 41 Hardware devices that are not part of the main computer system and are often added later to the system are
1) clip art
2) highlights
3) execute
4) peripherals
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 42 All of the following are examples of real security and privacy risks except
1) hackers
2) spam
3) viruses
4) Identity theft
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 43 Moving an icon on the desktop is termed as

1) double clicking
2) highlighting
3) dragging
4) pointing
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 44 A MODEM is connected in between a telephone line and a
1) Computer
2) Printer
3) Speaker
4) Microphone
5) Network
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 45 The blinking symbol which indicates the next character will appear at which place, is called
1) Delete key
2) Control key
3) Cursor
4) Return key
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 46 The display bar that lists all the open folders and active applications is
1) Menu bar
2) Tool bar
3) Task bar
4) Window list
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 47 A large space common in most of the Windows which is displayed at the background of the Windows main icon screen, is called
1) Application view
2) Work area
3) Project view
4) Toolbar
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 48 A photograph, image or any other visual file which is displayed at the back ground of the windows main icon screen, is called
1) Wall Paper
2) Screen Saver
3) Windows Theme
4) Active Desktop
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 49 All windows settings are stored in this file
1) Windows.INI
2) Groups.INI
3) Win.INI
4) Tem.INI
5) Command.INI
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 50 CPU can directly understand this language
1) C
2) C++
3) Assembly
4) Java
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 51 An error is also known as
1) bug
2) debug
3) cursor
4) icon
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 52 A keyboard is this kind of device
1) black
2) input
3) output
4) word processing
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 53 Which part of the computer helps in storing information?
1) Disk drive
2) Keyboard
3) Monitor
4) Printer
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 54 To drop a column that is used as a foreign key, first
1) Drop the primary key
2) drop the table
3) drop the foreign key constraint
4) All of these
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 55 The name given to a document by user is called
1) filename
2) program
3) data
4) record
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 56 _________is a procedure that requires users to enter an identification code and a matching password.
1) Paging
2) Logging on
3) Time­sharing
4) Multi­tasking
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 57 Which device is used as the standard pointing device in a Graphical User Environment?
1) Keyboard
2) Mouse
3) Joystick
4) Track ball
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 58 A CPU contains
1) a card reader and a printing device
2) an analytical engine and a control unit
3) a control unit and an arithmetic logic unit
4) an arithmetic logic unit and a card reader
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 59 The ability of an OS to run more than one application at a time is called
1) multitasking
2) object­oriented programming
3) multi­user computing
4) time­sharing
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 60 Permanent instructions that the computer uses when it is turned on and that cannot be changed by other instructions are contained in
1) ROM
2) RAM
3) ALU
4) REM
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 61 What are .bas, .doc and .htm examples of?
1) Databases
2) Extensions
3) Domains
4) Protocols
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 62 The portion of the CPU that coordinates the activities of all the other computer components is the
1) motherboard
2) coordination board
3) control unit
4) arithmetic and logical unit
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 63 Something which has easily­understood instructions in said to be
1) user friendly
2) information
3) word processing
4) icon
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 64 The primary device that a computer uses to store information is
1) TV

2) storehouse

3) desk
4) hard drive
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 65 A program that works like a calculator for keeping track of money and making budgets
1) calculator
2) spreadsheet
3) budgeter
4) financier
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 66 What menu is selected to print?
1) File
2) Tools
3) Social
4) Edit
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 67 Programs or a set of electronic instructions that tell a computer what to do
1) Menu
2) Monitor
3) Hardware
4) Software
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 68 _________are symbols that represent any character or combination of characters.
1) Playing cards
2) Wildcards
3) Private keys
4) Public keys
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 69 A word in a web page that, when clicked, opens another document.
1) anchor        
2) hyperlink
3) reference
4) URL
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 70 Windos 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT are known as
1) processors
2) domain names
3) modems
4) operating systems
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 71 To find and load a file that has been saved
1) select the Close command  
2) select the New command
3) select the Save command    
 4) select the Open command
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 72 Which of the following storage media provides sequential access only?
1) Floppy disk        
2) Magnetic disk
3) Magnetic tape
4) Optical disk
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 73 In a spreadsheet, a ____________ is a number you will use in a calculation.
1) label
2) cell
3) field
4) value
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 74 All of the following are included in removable media except
1) CD­ROMs 
2) Diskette
3) DVDs    
 4) Hare disk drive
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 75 _________cells involves creating a single cell by combining two or more selected cells.
1) Formatting
2) Merging

3) Embedding
4) Splitting
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 76 The primary output device for computers is a
1) Video monitor
2) Printer
3) Keyboard      
4) Mouse
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 77 A directory within a directory is called a ________.
1) Mini Directory
2) Junior Directory
3) Part Directory
4) Sub Directory
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 78 When you save in the following, the data would remain intact even after turning off computer?
1) RAM
2) Motherboard
3) Secondary storage device
4) Primary storage device
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 79 SMPT, FTP and DNS are applications of the ________ layer.
1) Data link
2) Network
3) Transport
4) Application
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 80 Which of the following is NOT a common feature of software application?
1) Menus
2) Windows
3) Help
4) Search
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 81 In MICR, C stands for
1) Code
2) Colour
3) Computer
4) Character
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 82 A __________ computer is a large and expensive computer capable of simultaneously processing data for hundreds or thousands of users.
1) server
2) mainframe
3) desktop
4) tablet
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 83 The ______ folder retains compies of messages that you have started but are not yet ready to send.
1) Inbox
2) Outbox
3) Drafts
4) Sent Items
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 84 The ability of an OS to run more than one application at a time is called
1) multitasking
2) object­oriented programming
3) multi­user computing
4) time­sharing
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 85 Example of non­numeric data is
1) Employee address
2) Examination score
3) Bank balance
4) All the above
5) None of these
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 86 Coded entries which are used to gain access to a computer system are called

1) entry code
2) password
3) security commands
4) codewords
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 87 To move to the bottom of a document, press
1) Insert key
2) Home key
3) Ctrl key+End key
4) End key
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 88 A device that is connected to the motherboard is called a(n)
1) external device
2) adjunct device
3) peripheral device
4) input device
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 89 Storage and memory differ with respect to which of the following characteristics?
1) Price
2) Reliability
3) Speed
4) All the above
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 90 The ______ tells the computer how to use its components.
1) utility
2) network
3) operating system
4) application software
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 91 Screen that comes on when you turn on your computer that shows all the icons is
1) desktop
2) face to face
3) viewer
4) view space
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 92 A file that contains definitions of the paragraph and character styles for your document and all things you customised like toolbars and menus is called a
1) guide
2) pattern
3) base document
4) template
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 93 A _______contains buttons and menus that provide quick access to commonly used commands.
1) toolbar
2) status bar
3) window
4) find
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 94 The blinking point which shows your position in the text is called
1) blinker
2) cursor
3) causer
4) pointer
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 95 What is the name of the process that is used to convert a series of instructions, or program, written in a high­ level language into instructions (or a program) that can be run on a computer?
1) Assembling
2) Compiling
3) Translating
4) Uploading
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 96 A processor that collects the transmissions from several communications media and sends them over a single line that operates at a higher capacity is called
1) multiplexor
2) bridge
3) Hub
4) router

5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 97 Main memory works in conjunction with
1) special function cards
2) RAM
3) CPU
4) Intel
5) All the above
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 98 When you make graph and picture in document, then your computer holds the data in
1) resotore file
2) backup file
3) clipboard
4) memory
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 99 The way the words appear on the page is called
1) text formatting
2) character formatting
3) point size
4) type face
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 100 Which key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task?
1) Esc
2) Control
3) Arrow
4) Space bar
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 101 In the binary language each letter of the alphabet, each number and each special character is made up of a unique combination of
1) eight bytes
2) eight kilobytes
3) eight characters
4) eight bits
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 102 Word processing, spreadsheet and photo­editing are examples of
1) application software
2) system software
3) operating system software
4) platform software
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 103 Which function calculates the largest value in a set of numbers?
1) Average
2) Count
3) Minimum
4) Maximum
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 104 The human­readable version of a program is called ________.
1) source code
2) program code
3) human code
4) system code
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 105 The number of pixels displayed on a screen is known as screen
1) resolution
2) colour depth
3) refresh rate
4) viewing size
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 106 What is the name of the protocol used to eliminate loops?
1) ISL
2) Switching
3) Frame tagging
4) Spanning Tree Protocol
5) Scanning
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 107 Digital photos and scanned images are typically stored as __________graphics with extensions such as bmp, png, jpg, tif and gif.

1) vector                         
2) bitmap
3) either vector or bitmap
4) neither vector nor bitmap
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 108 Select the odd man out.
1) Interpreter
2) Operating system
3) Compiler
4) Assembler
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 109 A ______ is a design tool that graphically shows the logic in a solution algorithm.
1) flowchart
2) hierarchy chart
3) structure chart
4) context diagram
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 110 A multi­purpose window which opens nearly for everything is
1) Main desktop
2) Explorer Window
3) Browser Window
4) Error Window
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 111 Active Desktop was a feature of
1) Mozilla Firefox
2) Chrome
3) Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0
4) Safari
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 112 Computer Virus is a
1) hardware
2) Windows tool
3) computer program
4) Both 2) and 3)
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 113 'Write!' is a`
1) Text editor
2) Word processor
3) Line editor
4) All the above
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 114 What is an operating system?
1) It is an interface between user and the
2) It manages all resources. computer.
3) It does all process management tasks.
4) All the above
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 115 The Factor which makes Windows popular is its
1) multi­tasking capacity
2) desktop features
3) user freiendly GUI features
4) being inexpensive
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 116 A series of to­be­viewed specially designed documents, which are all linked on Internet, is called:
1) World Wide Web
2) Web Server
3) Search Engine
4) Both 2) and 3)
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 117 Minimising a window means
1) close the window
2) make it an ikon and store on task bar
3) close windows after saving its contents
4) shut down the computer
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 118 Software designed for a specific purpose is called
1) General Program
2) Specific Program
3) Application Software
4) System Software
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 119 A unit for measuring data trasmission speed is called
1) cache
2) broadbank channel
3) byte
4) baud
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 120 A storage device used to compensate for the differences in rates of flow of data form one device to another is
1) buffer
2) channel
3) call
4) chip
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 121 A device that generates the periodic signals used to control the timing of all CPU operations is
1) COM
2) Collate
3) Chip
4) Clock
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 122 A comprehensive software system that builds, maintains and provides access to a database
1) CPU
3) CAI
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 123 The components that process data are located in the
1) imput devices
2) output devices
3) system unit
4) storage component
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 124 Processing involves
1) inputting data into a computer system
2) transforming input into output
3) displaying output in a useful manner
4) providing relevant answers
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 125 The OSI model is divided into how many processes called layers
1) Five
2) Six
3) Seven
4) Eight
5) Nine
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 126 _________ are specially designed computer chips that reside inside other devices, such as your car or your electronic thermostat.
1) Servers
2) Embedded computers
3) Robotic computers
4) Mainframes
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 127 The following are all mobile computing devices, except
1) notebook computers
2) Cellular phone
3) digital scanners
4) Personal Digital Assistant
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 128 How many different documents can you have open at any one time?
1) Not more than three
2) Only one
3) As many as your computer memory will hold
4) No more than your task bar can display
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 129 What do you press to enter the current date in a cell?
1) Ctrl+; (semi colon)
2) Ctrl+Shift+: (colon)
3) Ctrl+F10
4) Ctrl+F11
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 130 Compatibility in regard to computers refers to
1) The software doing the right job
2) It being versatile enough to handle the job
3) the software being able to run on the computer
4) software running with the previously installed
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 131 A CPU contains
1) a card reader and a printing device
2) an analytical engine and a control unit
3) a control unit and an arithmetic logic unit
4) an arithmetic logic unit and a card reader
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 132 Permanent instructions that the computer uses when it is turned on and that cannot be changed by other instructions are contained in
1) ROM
2) RAM
3) ALU
4) REM
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 133   Windos 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT are known as
1) processors
2) domain names
3) modems
4) operating systems
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 134 To find and load a file that has been saved
1) select the Close command
2) select the New command
3) select the Save command
4) select the Open command
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 135 =SUM (B1:B8) is an example of a
1) function
2) formula
3) cell address
4) value
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 136 Which of the following storage media provides sequential access only?
1) Floppy disk
2) Magnetic disk
3) Magnetic tape
4) Optical disk
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 137 In a spreadsheet, a ____________ is a number you will use in a calculation.
1) label
2) cell
3) field
4) value
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 138 All the following are included in removable media except
1) CD­ROMs
2) Diskette
3) DVDs
4) Hard Disk Drive
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 139 ________ of cells involves creating a single cell by combining tow or more selected cells.
1) Formatting
2) Merging

3) Embedding
4) Splitting
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 140 The operating system is the most common type of
1) communication software
2) application software
3) systems software
4) word­processing
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 141 The term bit is short form of
1) megabyte
2) binary language
3) binary digit
4) binary number
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 142 All the following terms are associated with spreadsheet software except
1) worksheet
2) cell
3) formula
4) virus detection
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 143 ________are devices used to transmit data over telecommunication lines.
1) Drives
2) Drive bays
3) Modems
4) Platforms
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 144 A _______ is approximately one billion bytes.
1) kilobytes
2) bit
3) gigabyte
4) megabyte
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 145 The first step in the transaction processing cycle is ________.
1) database operations
2) audit
3) data entry
4) user inquiry
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 146 Where is the disk put to enable computer to read it?
1) In the hard drive
2) In the disk drive
3) Into the CPU
4) In the modern
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 147 The most common method of entering text and numerical data into a computer system is through the use of a
1) plotter
2) scanner
3) printer
4) keyboard
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 148 Which keys enable the input of numbers quickly?
1) Function keys
2) The numeric keypad
3) Ctrl, shift and alt
4) Arror keys
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 149 Information that comes from an external source and is fed into computer software is called
1) input
2) output
3) throughput
4) reports
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 150 A computer's hard disk is
1) an arithmetic and logical unit
2) computer software

3) operating system
4) computer hardware
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 151 Which process checks to ensure the components of the computer are operating and connected properly?
1) Booting
2) Processing
3) Saving
4) Editing
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 152 Unsolicited commercial email is commonly known as
1) spam
2) junk
3) hoaxes
4) hypertext
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 153 A Website address is a unique name that identifies a specific ______ on the Web.
1) Web browser
2) Website
3) PDA
4) Hyperling
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 154 A device that connects to a network without the use of cables is said to be
1) distributed
2) centralised
3) open source
4) wireless
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 155 A menu contains a list of
1) commands
2) data
3) objects
4) reports
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 156 Each _________ on a menu performs a specific action.
1) client
2) server
3) node
4) command
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 157 To make a notebook act as a desktop model, the notebook can be connected to a __________ which is connected to a monitor and other devices.
1) bay
2) docking station
3) port
4) network
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 158 The command used to print a file
1) Shift+P
2) Ctrl+P
3) Alt+P
4) Esc+P
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 159 The first page of a Web site is called
1) Home page
2) Index
3) Java Script
4) Bookmark
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 160 A telephone number, a birth date, and a customer name are all examples of
1) a record
2) a query
3) a file
4) a database
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 161 Which of the following is not true abou RAM?

1) It is a temporary area.
2) It is the same as hard disk storage.
3) It is volatile.
4) Information stored in RAM is gone when you turn the computer off.
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 162 The _________ performs smple mathematics for the CPU.
1) ALU
3) BUS
4) Register
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 163 A prescribed set of well­defined instructions for solving mathematical problems is called
1) a compiler
2) a code
3) a description
4) an algorithm
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 164 The part of the computer that coordinates all its functions is called its
1) ROM program
2) system board
3) Arithmetic Logic Unit
4) Control Unit
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 165 The most common input devices are the ________ and ___________.
1) microphone, printer
2) scanner, board
3) digital camera, speakers
4) keyboard, mouse
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 166 To save an existing file with a new name or a new location, you should use _________command.
1) Save
2) Save As
3) Save and replace
4) New File
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 167 Which of the following is a common extension used in the file name for application programs?
1) EXE
2) DIR
3) TXT
4) DOC
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 168 When your computer stops working suddenly, it is referred to as a
1) crash
2) die
3) death
4) penalty
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 169 A program that converts a high­level language source file into a machine­language file is called a
1) translator
2) assembler
3) compiler
4) linker
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 170 Which keys can be used together with other keys for special tasks?
1) Insert, Delete
2) Ctrl, Shift
3) Left Arrow, Right arrow
4) Page Up, Page Down
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 171 The _________ command on the Quick Access Toolbar allows you to cancel your recent commands or actions.
1) Search
2) Cut
3) Document
4) Undo
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 172 In MS Access, a table can have ___________ primary key(s).
1) One
2) Two
3) Three
4) Four
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 173 __________ software allows users to perform calculations on rows and columns of data.
1) World Processing
2) Presentation
3) Graphics designing
4) Electronic spreadsheet
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 174 A hard copy of a document is
1) stored in the hard disk
2) stored on a floppy disk
3) stored on a CD
4) printed on the printer
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 175 What is the storage area for e­mail messages called?
1) Storage folder
2) Dictionary
3) Mailbox
4) Hard Disk
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 176 The altering of data so that it is not usable unless the changes are undone is called
1) biometrics
2) compression
3) encryption
4) ergonomics
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 177 A DVD­RAM is similar to a ____________ except it has storage capacities up to 5.2 GB,
1) CD­R
2) Floppy disk
3) CD­RW
4) Hard­disk
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 178 A proxy server is used for which of the following?
1) To provide security against unauthorised users
 2) To process client requests for web pages.
3) To process client requests for database access
4) To provide TCP/IP
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 179 A file extension is separated from the main file name with a(n) ________, but no spaces.
1) question mark
2) exclamation mark
3) underscore
4) period
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 180 What is an email attachment?
1) A receipt sent by the recpient.
2) A seperate document from another program
sent along with an email messagel
3) A malicious parasite that feeds off your
4) A list of CC or BCC recipients. messages and destroys the contents.
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 181 SMTP, FTP and DNS are applications of the _________ layer.
1) data link
2) network
3) transport
4) application
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 182 Which of the following is NOT a JSP implicit object?
1) Out
2) In

3) Response
4) Page
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 183 Computers connected to a LAN can
1) run faster
2) share information and/or share peripheral equipment
3) e­mail
4) go online
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 184 For selecting and highlighting, which of the following is generally used?
1) Icon
2) Mouse
3) Plotter
4) Floppy disk
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 185 Which device is used to access your computer by other computer or for talk over phone?
1) RAM
2) CD ROM Drive
3) Modem
4) Hard Drive
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 186 Which type of memory is closely related to processor?
1) Main Memory
2) SecondaryMemory
3) Disk Memory
4) Tape Memory
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 187 ________ is the primay key of one file which also appears in another file.
1) Physical key
2) Primary key
3) Foreign key
4) Logical key
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 188 The technique that extends storage capacities of main memory beyond the actual size of the main memory is called
1) multitasking
2) virtual memory
3) multiprocessing
4) multiprogramming
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 189 The blinking symbol on the computer screen is called
1) mouse
2) hand
3) cursor
4) icon
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 190 A world processor would most likely be used to do which of the following?
1) keep an account of money spent
2) maintain an inventory
3) type a biography
4) do a computer search in the media centre
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 191 Which of the following commands is used to select the whole document?
1) Ctrl+A
2) Alt+F5
3) Shift+S
4) Can't be done
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 192 Where are programs and data kept while the processor is using them?
1) Main memory
2) Secondary memory
3) Disk memory
4) Program memory
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 193 What does the term GUI stand for?
1) Graphical User Interface
2) Graphical Uninstall/Install
3) General Utility Interface
4) Graphical Universal Interface
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 194 While sending an e­mail, _____________ hints about the matter of the mail.
1) subject
2) to
3) contents
4) cc
5) None of these
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 195 Microsoft Windows 7 is an example of
1) utility software
2) network solution
3) application program
4) Operating system
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 196 What is output?
1) What the processor takes from the user.
2) What the user gives to the processor.
3) What the processor gets from the user.
4) What the processor gives to the user.
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 197 Copyrighted software that can be used for free is
1) shareware
2) freeware
3) groupware
4) e­mail
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 198 A blinking symbol on the screen that shows where the next character will appear is a/an
1) delete key
2) arrow key
3) cursor
4) return key
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 199 Sending an email is similar to
1) picturing an event
2) narrating a story
3) writing a letter
4) creating a drawing
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 200 The abbreviation ISP usually means
1) International Spy Project
2) Indian Social Planning
3) Initial Service Provider
4) Internet Service Provider
5) None of these
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 201 Network conponents are connected to the same cable in the ___________ topology.
1) star
2) ring
3) bus
4) mesh
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 202 A symbol on the screen that represents a disk, document or program that you can select
1) keys
2) caps
3) icon
4) monitor
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 203 This component is required to process data into information and consists of integrated circuits.
1) Hard disk
2) RAM
3) CPU
4) ROM
5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 204 Data that is copied from an application is stored in the
1) driver 
2) clipboard
3) terminal 
4) prompt
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 205 Every component of your computer is either
1) software or CPU/RAM 
2) input devices or output devices
3) application software or system software 
4) hardware or software
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 206 A collection of interrelated files in a computer is a ________.
1) management information system 
2) spreadsheet
3) database
 4) text file
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 207 The ________ , also called the Web, contains billions of documents.
1) Web portal 
3) World Wide Web 
4) Domain
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 208 Choose the web­browser among the following.
1) MSN messanger 
2) Yahoo messenger
3) Rediffimail 
4) Mozilla Firefox
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 209 One advantage of dial­up Internet access is that
1) it utilises wireless broadband technology 
2) it utilizes existing telephone service`
3) it uses a router for security
 4) modem speeds are very fast
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 210 The code for a Web page is written using
1) Fifth Generation Language 
2) WinZip
3) HTML 4) Perl
5) URL 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 211 The storage that retains its data after the power is turned off is referred to as
1) volatile storage 
2) non­volatile storage
3) sequential storage 
4) direct storage
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 212 You can use the tab key to
1) move a cursor across the screen 
2) indent a paragraph
3) move the cursor down the screen 
4) Only 1) and 2)
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4
Ques. : 213 _________ is approximately one thousand bytes.
1) 1 MB 
2) 1 GB
3) 1 KB 
4) 1 TB
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 214 What is the term used for unsolicited e­mail?
1) newsgroup 
2) usenet
3) backbone 
4) flaming
5) spam 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 215 A ________ contains specific rules and words that express the logical steps of an algorithm.
1) syntax 
2) Programming structure
3) Programming language 
4) logic chart
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 216 An example of a telecommunication device is a
1) keyword 
2) mouse
3) printer 
4) modem
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 217 Virtual memory is
1) memory on the hard disk that the CPU uses as 
2) in RAM extended RAM
3) only necessary if you do not have any RAM in 
4) a backup device for floppy disks your computer
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 218 A proxy server is used for which of the following?
1) To provide security against unauthorised users 
2) To process client requests for web pages.
3) To process client requests for database access 
4) To provide TCP/IP
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 219 A(n) _________ is composed of several computers connected together to share resources and data.
1) backup 
2) network
3) backbone 
4) hyperlink
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 220 Which of the following is NOT an example of an operating system?
1) MS DOS 
2) Windows 98
3) Windows 2000 
4) Windows 3.1
5) None of these 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 221 The process of writing computer instructions in a programming language is known as
1) processing 
2) coding
3) testing 
4) filing
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 222 What is a portion of memory that serves as a temporary repository for data as it waits for a given action?
1) BIOS 
2) Cache
3) Motherboard 
4) USB
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 223 Which of the following is correct about Java?
1) It is a low­level language.
 2) It is a high­level language.
3) It is a compiler. 
4) It is a hardware device driver.
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 224 These are specialised programs that assist users in locating information on the Web.
1) Search Engine
 2) Resource Locator
3) Information Management System 
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 225 Which of the following is a storage device that uses rigid, permanently installed magnetic disks to store data/information?
1) Floppy diskette 
2) Hard disk

3) Permanent disk 
4) Optical disk
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 226 _________ helps in capturing row data and entering into computer system.
1) CPU 
2) Integrated circuit
3) Input device 
4) Motherboard
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 227 Which of the following converts all the statements in a program in a single batch and the resulting collection of instruction is placed in a new file?
1) compiler 
2) interpreter
3) converter 
4) instruction
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 228 Which of the folloiwng contains information about a single entity in the database like a person, place, event or thing?
1) Query 
2) Form
3) Record 
4) Table
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 229 Which of the following is NOT a function of the control unit?
1) Read instructions 
2) Execute instructions
3) Interpret instructions 
4) Direct operations
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 230 The time it takes a device to locate data and instructions and make them available to the CPU is known as
1) clock speed 
2) a processing cycle
3) CPU speed 
4) access time
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 231 __________ controls the way in which the computer system functions and provides a means by which users can interact with the computer.
1) The platform 
2) The operating system
3) Application software 
4) The motherboard
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 232 _________ is the process of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors.
1) Tracking 
2) Formatting
3) Crashing 
4) Allotting
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 233 Which of the followin is the largest unit of storage?
1) GB 
2) KB
3) MB 
4) TB
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 234 The blinking symbol on the computer screen is called
1) mouse 
2) logo
3) hand 
4) cursor
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 235 A _______ is a professionally designed empty document that can be adapted to the user's need.
1) file
 2) guide
3) template 
4) user guide file
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 236 A(n) ________ contains commands that can be selected.
1) pointer 
2) menu
3) icon 
4) button
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2
Ques. : 237 Microcomputer hardware consists of three basic categories of physical equipment:
1) keyboard, monitor, hard drive 
2) system unit, input/output, memory
3) system unit, input/output, secondary storage 
4) system unit, primary storage, secondary storage
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 238 A piece of hardware that is used to enter information into the computer by usning keys is
1) keyboard 
2) monitor
3) hard disk 
4) icon
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 239 What does WWW mean?
1) World Wide Wizard 
2) World Wireless Web
3) World Wide Web
4) Wide Wireless Web
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 240 __________ processing is used when a large mail­order company accumulates orders and processes them together in one large set.
1) Batch 
2) Online
3) Real­time 
4) Group
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 241 Which of the following is NOT the major function of a computer?
1) Processing data into information 
2) Storing data or information
3) Modifying data 
4) Analysing data or information
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 242 A repair for a known software bug, usually available at no charge on the Internet, is called a(n)
1) version 
2) patch
3) tutorial 
4) FAQ
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 243 Which type of memory holds only the program and data that the CPU is presently processing?
1) CMOS 
2) ROM
3) RAM 
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 244 When you cut or copy information it gets place in the
1) clipart 
2) clipboard
3) Internet 
4) motherboard
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 245 If you want to locate the hardware address of a local device, which protocol would you use?
1) ARP 
3) RAM 
5) PONG 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 246 The name of the location of a particular piece of data is its
1) address 
2) memory name
3) storage site 
4) data location
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 247 Which of the following operating systems is not owned and licensed by a company?
1) Unix 
2) Linux
3) Windows 2000 
4) Mac
5) Windows 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 248 The MS Excel stores its documents in the form of files which are called
1) worksheets 
2) workbooks
3) notebooks 
4) excel sheets
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 249 ________ view shows how the contents on printed page will appear with margin, header and footer.
1) Draft 
2) Full screen reading
3) Outline 
4) Page layout
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 250 What menu is selected to cut, copy and paste?
1) File 
2) Edit
3) Tools 
4) Table
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 251 Personal computers are connected to form
1) Super computer 
2) Mainframe computers
3) Enterprise 
4) Network
5) Server 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 252 What does remain in RAM when computer is turned off?
1) Operating System 
3) Software Application 
4) Nothing
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 253 Information travels between components on the motherboard through
1) flash memory 
3) bays 
4) buses
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 254 In a relational database, this is a data structure that organises the information about a single topic into rows and columns.
1) block 
2) record
3) tuple 
4) table
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 255 For seeing the output, which of the following is used?
1) Scanner 
2) Keyboard
3) Mouse 
4) Monitor
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 256 The simultaneous execution of two or more instructions is called
1) sequential access 
2) reduced instruction set computing
3) multiprocessing 
4) disk mirroring
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 257 Multiprogramming systems
1) are easier to develop than single programming 
2) execute each job faster systems

3) execute more jobs in the same time period 
4) use only one large mainframe computer
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 258 Which device can understand the difference between data and program?
1) Input device 
2) Output device
3) Memory 
4) Microprocessor
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 259 Which of the following devices has a limitation that we can only read it but cannot erase or modify it?
1) Magnetic tape 
2) Hard disk
3) Compact disk 
4) Floppy disk
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 260 Which of the following is not an output device?
1) Plotter 
2) Printer
3) Monitor 
4) Joystick
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 261 What kind of scheme is the HTTP protocol?
1) get/put 
2) store/forward
3) queuing 
4) search/return
5) request/response 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 262 What type of error does a memory parity error create?
1) A fatal exception error 
2) An NMI error
3) A corrupt Windows operating system file 
4) A GPF error
5) A GPA error 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 263 Which of the following cannot be used as the scope when using a JavaBean with JSP?
1) Page 
2) Request
3) Session 
4) Application
5) Response 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 264 Devices that let the computer communicate with you are _________ devices.
1) input 
2) output
3) processing 
4) storage
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 265 Eight bits of data is called
1) octabit 
2) word
3) sentence 
4) byte
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 266 The secret code that gives you access to some programs:
1) clue 
2) cue
3) password 
4) help
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 267 The different styles of lettering in a word processing program.
1) font 
2) calligraphy
3) writing 
4) manuscript
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 268 An example of a processings device would be
1) a magnetic ink reader 
2) a tablet PC

3) Special function cards 
4) scanners
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 269 The main memory of a computer can also be called
1) Secondary storage 
2) Internal storage
3) Random Access Memory 
4) All the above
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 270 A saved document is referred to as a
1) file 
2) word
3) folder 
4) project
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 271 By default, Excel positions text in a cell
1) left­aligned 
2) right­aligned
3) centered 
4) justified
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 272 Errors in computer programs are referred to as
1) bugs 
2) mistakes
3) item overlooked 
4) blunders
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 273 A compiler is used to translate a program written in
1) a low level language 
2) a high­level language
3) assembly language 
4) machine language
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2
Ques. : 274 Computer programs are also known as
1) operating systems 
2) documents
3) peripherals 
4) applications
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 275 The _______ becomes different shaped depending on the task you are performing.
1) active tab 
2) insertion point
3) mouse pointer 
4) ribbon
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 276 Multiplexing involves _________ path and __________ channels.
1) one, multiple 
2) one, one
3) multiple, one 
4) multiple, multiple
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 277 To access the properties of an object, the mouse technique to use is
1) dragging 
2) dropping
3) right­clicking 
4) shift­clicking
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 278 A(n) __________ is a program that makes the computer easier to use.
1) operating system 
2) application
3) utility 
4) network
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 279 Connection to the Internet using a phone line and a modem is called ___________ connection.
1) digital 
2) dial­up

3) broadband 
4) dish
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 280 To access a mainframe or supercomputer, users often use a
1) terminal 
2) monitor
3) desktop 
4) handheld
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 281 Which of the following is a part of the computer that one can touch and feel?
1) Hardware 
2) Software
3) Programs 
4) Output
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 282 This component is required to process data into information and consists of integrated circuits.
1) Hard disk 
2) RAM
3) CPU 
4) ROM
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 283 Which part of the computer displays the work done?
1) RAM 
2) Scanner
3) Monitor 
4) ROM
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 284 The main job of a CPU is to
1) carry out program instructions 
2) store data/information for future use
3) process data inti information 
4) Both 1) and 3)
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 285 _________ are attempts by individuals to obtain confidential information from you by falsifying their identity?
1) Phising trips 
2) Computer viruses
3) Special function cards 
4) Scanners
5) Keyboards 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 286 All of the following are examples of real security and privacy risks except
1) Hackers 
2) Spam
3) Viruses 
4) Identity theft
5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 287 A(n) ___________ is a small, wirless handheld computer that scans items, tags and pulls up the current price (and any special offer) as you shop.
1) PSS 
2) PoS
3) Inventary 
4) Data mining
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 288 Which of the following is NOT one of the four major data processing functions of a computer?
1) Gathering data 
2) Processing data into information
3) Analysing the data or information 
4) Storing the data or information
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 289 Computers uses __________ language to process data.
1) processing 
2) kilobyte
3) binary 
4) representational
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 290 Computers process data into information working exclusively with

1) multimedia 
2) words
3) characters 
4) numbers
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 291 The string of eight 0s and 1s is called a
1) megabyte 
2) kilobyte
3) byte 
4) gigabyte
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 292 A _________ is approximately one billion bytes.
1) kilobyte 
2) bit
3) gigabyte 
4) megabyte
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 293 SMTP, FTP and DNS are applications of the _________ layer.
1) Data link 
2) Network
3) Transport
4) Application
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 294 A __________ is not a form of biometrics.
1) Fingerprint 
2) Password
3) Retina scan 
4) Breath scan
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 295 Reference to each file on a disk are stored in a
1) file allocation table 
2) root allocation table
3) linking directory 
4) root directory
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 296 Buffering in printers is necessary
1) as computers are fast in generating data for 
2) as there is not enough memory provided with printing then printer can print it. printers.
3) to make printers work for more years. 
4) Both 1) and 2)
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 297 Airlines resevation system is a typical example of
1) Batch processing 
2) On­line processing
3) Real time processing 
4) Both 1) and 2)
5) Both 2) and 3) 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 298 Which of the following memories is often used in a typical computer operation?
1) RAM 
2) ROM
3) FDD 
4) HDD
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 299 Which of the following is NOT a logic gate?
1) AND 
2) OR
3) NAND 
4) NOR
5) None of these 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 300 The difference between people with access to computers and the Internet and those without this access is known as the
1) digital divide 
2) Internet divide
3) Web divide 
4) broadband divide
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 301 DSL is example of a(n) _____________ connection.
1) network 
2) wireless
3) slow 
4) broadband
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 302 __________ is the study of molecules and strctures whose size ranges from 1 to 100 Nanometers?
1) Nanoscience 
2) Microelectrodes
3) Computer Forensics 
4) Artificial intelligence
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 303 The name for the way with which computers manipulate data into information is called
1) programming 
2) processing
3) storing 
4) organising
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 304 After a picture has been taken with a digital camera and processed appropriately, the actual print of the picture is considered a(n)
1) data 
2) output
3) input 
4) process
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 305 A command that takes what has been typed into the computer and can be seen on the screen and sends it to the printer for output on paper
1) print 
2) return
3) jump 
4) attention
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 306 The key which lets you exit a program when pushed
1) arrow key 
2) spacebar
3) escape key 
4) return key
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 307   The ability of an OS to run more than one application at a time is called
1) multitasking 
2) object­oriented programming
3) multi­user computing 
4) time­sharing
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 308 Which of the following statements best describes the batch method of input?
1) Data is processed as soon as it is input. 
2) Data is input at the time it is collected.
3) Data is collected in the form of source
documents, placed into groups, and then input to 
4) Source documents are not used. the computer.
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 309 The benefit of using computers is that
1) Computers are very fast and can store huge 
2) Computers provide accurate output even when amounts of data. input is incorrect.
3) Computers are designed to be inflexible. 
4) All the above
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 310 The function of CPU is
1) to provide external storage of text 
2) to communicate with the operator
3) to read, interpret and process the information 
4) to provide a hard copy and instruction
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 311 What characteristics of read­only memory makes it useful?
1) ROM information can be easily updated 
2) Data in ROM is nonvolatile, that is, it remains
there even without elctronical power.
3) ROM provides very large amounts of 
4) ROM chips are easily swapped between inexpensive data storage. different brands of computers.
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 312 ___________ is the process of carrying out commands.
1) Fetching 
2) Storing
3) Decoding 
4) Executing
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 313 Which of the following peripheral devices displays information to a user?
1) Monitor 
2) Keyboard
3) Secondary storage device 
4) Scanner
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 314 The physical components of a computer system is called
1) software 
2) hardware
3) network 
4) open source
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 315 Which of the following is a graphical representation of an application?
1) Windows 95 
2) Windows Explorer
3) Icon 
4) Taskbar
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 316 A field is a related group of
1) records 
2) files
3) characters 
4) cables
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3
Ques. : 317 To restart the computer ___________ key is used.
1) Del + Ctrl 
2) Backspace + Ctrl
3) Ctrl + Alt + Del 
4) Reset
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 318 The process of putting information in a file on a magnetic disk, or in a computer's memory, so it cab be used later
1) store 
2) ship
3) shift 
4) centre
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 319 Saving is the process of
1) compying a document from memory to a storage 
2) making changes to a document's existing medium content
3) changing the appearance, or overall look, of a 
4) developing a document by entering text using a document keyboard
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 320 Printed information, called _________ exists physically and is a more permanent form of output than that presented on a display device.
1) soft copy 
2) hard copy
3) carbon copy 
4) desk copy
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 321 To find a saved document in the computer's memory and bring it up on the screen to view is called
1) reversing 
2) rerunning
3) retrieving 
4) returning
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 322 The Internet is a system of
1) software bundles 
2) Web pages
3) Website 
4) Interconnected networks
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 323 Code consisting of bars and lines of varying widths or lengths that is computer­readable is known as
1) an ASCII code 
2) a magnetic tape
3) an OCR scanner 
4) a bar code
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 324 A ________ is a unique name that you give to a file of information.
1) device letter 
2) folder
3) filename 
4) filename extension
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 325 What is an email attachment?
1) A receipt sent by the recpient. 
2) A separate document from another program
sent along with an email message.
3) A malicious parasite that feeds off your 
4) A list of CC or BCC recipients. messages and destroys the contents.
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 326 Which of the following are all considered advantages of e­mail?
1) Convenience, speed of delivery, generality and 
2) Printable, global and expensive reliability
3) Global, convenience and Microsoft owned 
4) Slow delivery, reliable, global and inexpensive
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 327 E­commerce allows companies to
1) issue important business reports 
2) conduct business over the Internet
3) support decision making processes 
4) keep track of paper­based transactions
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 328 In a client/server model, a client program
1) asks for information 
2) provides information and files
3) serves software files to other computers 
4) distributes data files to other computers
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 329 Computers manipulate data in many ways, and this manipulation is called ________.
1) utilizing 
2) batching
3) upgrading 
4) processing
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 330 Which of the following is an example of an optical disk?
1) Digital versatile disks 
2) Magnetic disks
3) Memory disks 
4) Data bus disks
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 331 Another word for the CPU is

1) microprocessor 
2) execute
3) microchip 
4) decoder
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 332 A menu contains a list of
1) commands 
2) data
3) objects 
4) reports
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 333 A command to get a file you worked on from the memory where it was stored
1) close 
2) delete
3) open 
4) get it
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 334 A _________ is a collection of data that is stored electronically as a series of records in a table.
1) spreadsheet 
2) presentation
3) database 
4) web page
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 335 The software tools that enable a user to interact with a computer for specific purposes are known as
1) hardware 
2) networked softwares
3) sharewares 
4) applications
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 336 What is the shape of a CD?
1) Quadrilateral 
2) Rectangular
3) Circular 
4) Hexagonal
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 337   Which of the following is NOT an output device?
1) Plotter 
2) Printer
3) Scanner 
4) Monitor
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 338 A ________ contains buttons and menus that provide quick access to commonly used commands.
1) toolbar 
2) menu bar
3) window 
4) find
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 339 The _________ enables you to simultaneously keep multiple pages open in one browser window.
1) tab box 
2) pop­up helper
3) tab row 
4) address bar
5) Esc key 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 340 A __________ is an example of an input device.
1) keyboard 
2) printer
3) motheboard
 4) CPU
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 341 A(n) ________ is the text you want to be printed at the bottom of the pages.
1) header 
2) endnote
3) footnote 
4) footer
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 342 A(n) ________ is the combination of software and hardware that facilitates the sharing of information

between computing devices.
1) network 
2) peripheral
3) expansion board 
4) digital device
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 343 The ________ tells the computer how to use its components.
1) utility 
2) network
3) operating system 
4) application program
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 344 Which of the following functions is NOT performed by the TCP?
1) Addressing 
2) Connection establishment
3) Data transfer 
4) Flow control
5) None of these 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 345 In addition to keying data directly into a database, data entry can be done from a(n)
1) input form 
2) table
3) field 
4) data dictionary
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 346 The term ________ designates equipment that might be added to a computer system to enhance its functionality.
1) digital device 
2) system add­on
3) disk pack 
4) peripheral device
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 347 A CD­RW disk
1) has a faster access than an internal disk 
2) is a form of optical disk, so it can only be written
3) holds less data than a floppy disk 
4) can be erased and rewritten
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 348 The process of changing a written work already done is called
1) filing 
2) editing
3) cutting 
4) closing
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 349 To make a notebook act as a desktop model, the notebook can be connected to a __________ which is connected to a monitor and other devices.
1) bay 
2) docking station
3) port 
4) network
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 350 What is the name of the process that is used to convert a series of instructions, or program, written in a high­ level language into instructions (or a program) that can be run on a computer?
1) Assembling 
2) Compiling
3) Translating 
4) Uploading
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 351 What does 'C' represent in the term MICR?
1) Code 
2) Column
3) Computer 
4) Character
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 352 On which button does help menu exist?

1) End 
2) Start
3) Turn off 
4) Restart
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 353 Which of the following is the newest version of Excel among the following?
1) Excel 2000 
2) Excel 2002
3) Excel ME 
4) Excel XP
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 354 __________ processes the data and is also called the brain of the computer.
1) Motherboard 
2) Memory
3) RAM 
4) CPU
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 355 Which of the following are objects in an access database?
1) table, form 
2) queries, reports
3) macros, modules 
4) All the above
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 356 Which area in an Excel window allows entering values and formulas?
1) Title bar 
2) Menu bar
3) Formula bar 
4) Standard Tool Bar
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 357 Computer software can be defined as
1) the computer and its associated equipment. 
2) the instructions that tell the computer what to do.
3) computer components that act to accomplish a 
4) an interface between the computer and the goal. network.
5) the interacton between the computer and its 
Ans.) 2 database.

Ques. : 358 A ________ is a set of rules.
1) resource locator 
2) domain
3) hypertext 
4) URL
5) protocol 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 359 Which of the following is NOT an example of hardware?
1) Mouse 
2) Printer
3) Monitor 
4) Excel
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 360 Which of the following is part of the system unit?
1) Monitor 
2) CPU
3) CD­ROM 
4) Floppy disk
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 361 Fax machines and imaging systems are examples of
1) bar­code readers 
2) output devices
3) scanning devices 
4) pen­based systems
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 362 When writing a document, you can use the ________ feature to find an appropriate word or an alternative word if you find yourself stuck for the right word.
1) dictionary 
2) word finder
3) encyclopedia 
4) Wikipedia

5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 363 Various applications and documents are represented on the Windows desktop by
1) Symbols 
2) Labels
3) Graphs 
4) Icons
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 364 Which of the following could be digital input devices for computers?
1) Digital camcoder 
2) Microphone
3) Scanner 
4) All the above
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 365 The box that contains the central electronic components of the computer is the
1) motherboard 
2) system unit
3) peripheral 
4) input device
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 366 You can use the _____________bar to type a URL and display a Web page, or type a keyword to display a list of related Web pages.
1) menu 
2) title
3) search 
4) web
5) address 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 367 A(n) _________ is a private corporate network, used exclusively by company employees.
1) Internet 
2) local area network
3) peer­to­peer 
4) intranet
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 368 A saved document is referred to as a
1) file 
2) word
3) folder 
4) project
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 369 Codes consisting of bars and lines of varying widths or lengths that are computer­readable are known as
1) a bar code 
2) an ASCII code
3) a magnetic tape 
4) a light pen
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 370 When cutting and pasting, the item cut is temporarily stored in
1) ROM 
2) Hard drive
3) Diskette 
4) Dashboard
5) Clipboard 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 371 What is backup?
1) Adding more components to your network 
2) Protecting data by copying it from the original
source to a different destination
3) Filtering old data from the new data 
4) Accessing data on tape
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 372 ________ are type of inexpensive digital camera that remains tethered to a computer and are used for videoconferencing, video chatting, and live Web broadcast.
1) Webcams 
2) Webpics
3) Browsercams 
4) Browserpics
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 373 The acronym HTML stands for

1) High Transfer Machine Language 
2) High Transmission Machine Language
3) Hyper Text Markup Language 
4) Hypermedia Text Machine Language
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 374 Reference to each file on a disk are stored in a
1) file allocation table 
2) root allocation table
3) linking directory 
4) root directory
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 375 What is correcting error in a program called?
1) Interpretting 
2) Translating
3) Debugging 
4) Compiling
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 376 Sending an email is similar to
1) writing a letter 
2) drawing a picture
3) talking on the phone 
4) sending a package
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 377 To ________a document menas to make changes to its existing content.
1) format 
2) save
3) edit 
4) print
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 378 Where is the disk put to enable computer to read it?
1) Disk drive 
2) Memory
3) CPU 
4) ALU
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 379 What menu is selected to cut, copy and paste?
1) File 
2) Tools
3) Special 
4) Edit
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 380 The most important or powerful computer in a typical network is
1) desktop 
2) network client
3) network server 
4) network station
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 381 To change hardware components into more powerful or rectified version is called
1) expansion 
2) plug and play
3) upgrading 
4) upsizing
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 382 Which of the following views is present in Power Point?
1) Document view 
2) Slide sorter view
3) Slide changer view 
4) Play slide view
5) None of these
 Ans.) 2

Ques. : 383 In order to move from one worksheet to another in excel workbook, one should click
1) active cell 
2) scroll bar
3) sheet tab 
4) tab button
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 384 To access properties of an object, the mouse technique to use is __________.

1) dragging 
2) dropping
3) right­clicking 
4) shift­clicking
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 385 Every device on the Internet has a unique ________ address that identifies it in the same way that a street address identifies the location of a house.
1) DH 
2) DA
3) IP 
4) IA
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 386 This type of hardware consists of devices that translate data into a form the computer can process
1) application 
2) input
3) system 
4) All the above
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 387 Which key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task?
1) Function 
2) Arrow
3) Space bar 
4) Control
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 388 A step­by­step procedure for accomplishing a task is known as a(n)
1) algorithm 
2) hardware program
3) software bug 
4) firmware program
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 389 A group of 8 bits is known as
1) byte 
2) kilobyte
3) binary digit 
4) megabit
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 390 The hardware device commonly referred to as the 'brain' of the computer is the
1) RAM chip 
2) data input
3) CPU 
4) secondary storage
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 391 What is the intersection of a column and a row called on an Excel worksheet?
1) Column 
2) Value
3) Address 
4) Cell
5) None of these
 Ans.) 4

Ques. : 392 The process of a computer of receiving information from a server on the Internet is called
1) pulling 
2) pushing
3) downloading 
4) transferring
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 393 Which of the following would you do to remove a paragraph from a report you had written?
1) Delete and edit 
2) Highlight and delete
3) Cut and paste 
4) Undo typing
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 394 All the following media have read and write capability except
1) flash memory cards 
2) CD­ROMs
3) hard disk drives 
4) floppy disks
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 395 If a user needs information instantly available to the CPU, it should be stored
1) on a CD 
2) in secondary storage
3) in the CPU 
4) on the motherboard
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 396 To what temporary area can you store text and other data, and later paste them to another location?
1) The clipboard 
2) ROM
3) CD­ROM 
4) The hard disk
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 397 The operating system called UNIX is typically used for
1) desktop computers 
2) laptop computers
3) super computers 
4) web servers
5) All the above
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 398 Press __________ to move the insertion point to the address box, or to highlight the URL in the address box.
1) Alt+D 
2) Alt+A
3) Shift+Tab 
4) Tab+Ctrl
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 399 A collection of unprocessed items is
1) information 
2) data
3) memory 
4) reports
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 400 The portion of the CPU that coordinates the activities of all the other computer components is the
1) motherboard 
2) coordination board
3) control unit 
4) airthmetic logic unit
5) None of these
 Ans.) 3

Ques. : 401 A ______ is approximately one billion bytes.
1) kilobyte 
2) bit
3) gigabyte 
4) megabyte
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 402 The _________ directory is mandatory for every disk.
1) Root 
2) Base
3) Sub 
4) Case
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 403 To prepare a presentation/slide show, which application is commonly used?
1) Photoshop 
2) Power Point
3) Outlook Express 
4) Internet Explorer
5) All the above 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 404 _________ is the process of carrying out commands.
1) Fetching 
2) Storing
3) Executing 
4) Decoding
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 405 Which of the following refers to the fastest, biggest and most expensive computers?
1) Personal Computers 
2) Supercomputers
3) Laptops 
4) Notebooks
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 406 Microsoft is an example of
1) an operating system 
2) a processing device
3) application software 
4) an input device
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 407 ________ is the process of carrying out commands.
1) Fetching 
2) Storing
3) Decoding 
4) Executing
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 408 If you do not want to select any option after opening a menu then click menu title again or press key
________ to close the menu.
1) Shift 
2) Tab
3) Escape 
4) F1
5) None of these
 Ans.) 3

Ques. : 409 It is easy to change the name of file using _____________ process.
1) transforming 
2) christening
3) renaming 
4) retagging
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 410 What is the minimum and maximum zoom sizes in MS Office? 1) 10, 100 2) 20, 250
3) 10, 500 
4) 10, 1000
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 411 In Excel, _________contains one or more worksheets.
1) Template 
2) Workbook
3) Active cell 
4) Label
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 412 Which of the following is a popular programming language for developing multimedia web pages, websites and web­based applications?
2) Java
4) Assembler
5) None of these
 Ans.) 2

Ques. : 413 Compiling creates a(n)
1) program specification 
2) algorithm
3) executable program 
4) subroutine
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 414 Computers use the ___________number system to store data and perform calculations.
1) decimal 
2) hexadecimal
3) octal 
4) binary
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 415 The ______ key will launch the Start button.
1) esc 
2) shift
3) Windows 
4) Shortcut
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 416 A character of information is represented by a(n)
1) byte 
2) bit

3) field 
4) attribute
5) None of these
 Ans.) 2

Ques. : 417 A set of instructions telling the computer what to do is called
1) mentor 
2) instructor
3) compiler 
4) program
5) None of these
 Ans.) 4

Ques. : 418 To maximise a window means
1) fill it to capacity 
2) expand it to fit the desktop
3) put only like files inside 
4) drag it to the recycle bin
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 419 The home page of a website is
1) the largest page 
2) the last page
3) the first page 
4) the most colourful page
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 420 Which of the following is not associated with computers?
1) BIt 
2) Binary
3) Pencil 
4) Mouse
5) Screen 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 421 MICR technology used for clearance of cheques by banks refers to
1) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition 
2) Magnetic Intelligence Character Recognition
3) Magnetic Information Cable Recognition 
4) Magnetic Insurance Cases Recognition
5) None of these
 Ans.) 1

Ques. : 422 Modern computers represent characters and numbers internally using one of the following number systems:
1) Penta 
2) Octal
3) Hexa 
4) Septa
5) Binary 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 423 A ________ is approximately a million bytes.
1) gigabyte 
2) kilobyte
3) megabyte 
4) Terabyte
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 424 If you want to extend the length of the network without having the signal degrade, you would use a
1) repeater 
2) router
3) gateway 
4) switch
5) None of these
 Ans.) 1

Ques. : 425 To move down a page in a document
1) jump 
2) fly
3) wringgle 
4) scroll
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 426 What type of resource does have greater probability to become shared resource in a computer network?
1) Printers 
2) Speakers
3) Floppy disk drivers 
4) Keyboards
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 427 Which of the following terms is used to describe the movement of an item with the help of mouse to a new position on screen?

1) click 
2) double click
3) drag and drop 
4) point
5) right click 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 428 What does storage unit provide?
1) Place for typing data 
2) Storage for information and instruction
3) Place for printing information 
4) All the above
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 429 _________ are distinct items that don't have much meaning to you in a given countext.
1) Fields 
2) Data
3) Queries 
4) Properties
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 430 An example of a telecommunication device is a
1) Keyboard 
2) mouse
3) printer 
4) modem
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 431 Two or more computers connected to each other for sharing information form a
1) network 
2) router
3) server 
4) tunnel
5) pipeline 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 432 The _____ becomes different shapes depending on the task you are performing.
1) active tab 
2) insertion point
3) mouse pointer 
4) ribbon
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 433 The capability of the operating system to enable two or more than two instructions to execute simultaneously in a single computer system by using multiple CPUs is
1) Multitasking 
2) Multiprogramming
3) multiprocessing 
4) Multiexecution
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 434 A collection of related information sorted and dealt with as a unit is a
1) disk 
2) data
3) file 
4) floppy
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 435 An output device that lets you see what the computer is doing
1) a disk drive 
2) monitor­screen
3) shift key 
4) printer
5) None of these
 Ans.) 2

Ques. : 436 To access a mainframe or supercomputer, users often use a
1) terminal 
2) node
3) desktop 
4) handheld
5) None of these
 Ans.) 1

Ques. : 437 By default, your documents print in __________mode.
1) landscape 
2) portrait
3) page setup 
4) print view
5) None of these
 Ans.) 2

Ques. : 438 Firewalls are used to protect against
1) unauthorised attacks 
2) virus attacks
3) data driven attacks 
4) fire attacks
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 439 The term "hypertext" means
1) Non­sequential writing 
2) Hypermedia
3) Blinking text 
4) Text with heavy formatting
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 440 We can enter and edit text efficiently using
1) spreadsheet 
2) typewriter
3) Word Processing Program 
4) Desktop Publishing Program
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 441 ________ may be included in other folder while making heirarchical structure folder.
1) Minifolder 
2) Tiered folder
3) Sub­folder 
4) Object
5) None of these
 Ans.) 3

Ques. : 442 To access properties of an object, the mouse technique to use is __________.
1) right­clicking 
2) shift­clicking
3) dragging 
4) dropping
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 443 A ________ shares hardware, software and data among authorised users.
1) network 
2) protocol
3) hypertext 
4) transmitter
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 444 Computer programs are written in a high­level programming language; however, the human­readable version of a program is called
1) cache 
2) instruction set
3) source code 
4) world size
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 445 In world processing, an efficient way to move the 3rd paragraph to place it after the 5th paragraph is
1) copy and paste 
2) copy, cut and paste
3) cut, copy and paste 
4) cut and paste
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 446   Which of the following is an example of connectivity?
1) Internet 
2) Floppy disk
3) paper disk 
4) TV disk
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 447 ________ allows you to print.
1) Ribbon 
2) Monitor
3) Go now 
4) Ctrl+P
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 448 Microsoft Office is an example of a
1) closed­source software 
2) open­source software
3) horizontal­market software 
4) vertical­market software
5) None of these
 Ans.) 1

Ques. : 449 A popular way to learn about computers without ever going to a classroom is called
1) i­lerning 
2) isolated learning
3) e­learning 
4) close learning
5) None of these
 Ans.) 3

Ques. : 450 A person who uses his/her expertise to gain access to other people's computers to get information illegally or do damage is a
1) spammer 
2) hacker
3) instant messanger 
4) All of the above
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 451 Binary coded decimal (BCD) numbers express each decimal digit as a
1) bit 
2) byte
3) nibble 
4) binary digit
5) word
 Ans.) 3

Ques. : 452 One nibble is equal to
1) 2 bits 
2) 4 bits
3) 6 bits 
4) 8 bits
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 453 What may happen if a worksheet is not protected?
1) It cannot be opened. 
2) It cannot be saved.
3) It cannot be edited. 
4) It can be edited.
5) All cells get locked 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 454 What is a firmware?
1) A program started in RAM. 
2) A program started in a file.
3) A program started in boot sector. 
4) A program started in ROM.
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 455 'TWAIN' is related to which of the following?
1) Printer 
2) Keyboard
3) Mouse 
4) Monitor
5) Scanner 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 456 The Internet is an example of __________ network.
1) star 
2) bus
3) hybrid 
4) mesh
5) ring 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 457 Blueprints are usually created using ____________software.
1) CGI 
2) Paint
3) Draw 
4) CAD
5) API 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 458 The power of a spreadsheet lies in its
1) cells 
2) formulas
3) labels 
4) worksheets
5) row and columns 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 459 IP address consists of how many bits?
1) 16 bits 
2) 8 bits
3) 30 bits 
4) 32 bits

5) 36 bits 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 460 Which storage decive is mounted on 'reels'?
1) Floppy disk 
3) Magnetic disk 
4) Magnetic tape
5) Hard disk 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 461 A paint program keeps track of every _________ placed on the screen.
1) Image 
2) object
3) pixel 
4) color
5) symbol 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 462 Rules of a programming language are called
1) procedures 
2) calls
3) methods 
4) login
5) syntax 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 463 A primary key can also be called a
1) super key 
2) candidate key
3) alternate key 
4) secondary key
5) foreign key 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 464 Which shortcut key is used to open a new file in MS Word?
1) Ctrl+N 
2) Ctrl+M
3) Ctrl+Y 
4) Ctrl+X
5) Ctrl+Z 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 465 Bridge operates in which of the following OSI layers?
1) Physical 
2) Network
3) Data link 
4) Both 1) and 3)
5) Session 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 466 ______ printer is used for fax machines.
1) Line 
2) Dot matrix
3) Laser 
4) Inkjet
5) Thermal 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 467 What does AMD stands for?
1) Advanced Mainframe Devices 
2) Advanced Micro Devices
3) Advanced Mini Devices 
4) Advanced Monitor Devices
5) Advanced Major Devices 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 468 _______ provides electronic data interchange facility.
1) ISDN 
2) LAN
3) VAN 
4) CAN
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 469 An assembly language is a division of
1) Middle level language 
2) High level language
3) Low level language
4) Machine language
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 470 A language based on graphics for use in education is called

 Ans.) 2

Ques. : 471 Which is the most popular medium for direct access to secondary storage of a computer?
1) Magnetic tape 
2) ROM
3) RAM 
4) Magnetic disk
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 472 Ethernet uses _________ topology.
1) bus 
2) ring
3) star 
4) tree
5) mesh 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 473 Which of the following produces the best­quality graphics reproduction?
1) Laser printer 
2) Inkjet printer
3) Plotter 
4) Dot matrix printer
5) CAD 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 474 A process is an instance of a computer _________ that is being executed.
1) job 
2) program
3) task 
4) method
5) call 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 475 A computer virus is a software program which has the essential ability to
1) repeat data 
2) clone itself
3) hide itself 
4) reduce itself
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 476 Communication between computers is almost always
1) serial 
2) parallel
3) serially parallel 
4) direct
5) indirect 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 477 The interface of data from a CPU to peripheral devices of a computer is achieved through
1) interface 
2) commands
3) buffer 
4) parts of computer
5) All the above
 Ans.) 4

Ques. : 478 DOS cannot retrieve any data from a disk if a computer virus corrupts the ________ of the computer.
1) directory area 
2) data area
3) BAT files 
4) file allocation table
5) root directory area 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 479 Salami attack is a type of attack that operates on
1) confidential data 
2) company data
3) employee data 
4) financial data
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 480 Which of the following is NOT a part of the operating system?
1) Supervisor 
2) Job­control program
3) I/O control program 
4) Performance monitor
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 481 Reel­to­reel tape drives are commonly used with
1) mini computers 
2) micro computers

3) mainframe computers 
4) laptops
5) personal computers
 Ans.) 3

Ques. : 482 To select an entire row in the Excelsheet, the shortcut key that is used is
1) ctrl+space 
2) ctrl+arrow key
3) shift+arrow key 
4) ctrl+tab
5) shift+space 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 483 What is the number of maximum columns that can be inserted in a Word (2003) document? 
1) 35 
2) 42
3) 45 
4) 55
5) 52
 Ans.) 3

Ques. : 484 ________ are the summarised version of slides that display only titles and main text.
1) Handouts 
2) Outlines
3) Speaker notes 
4) Slide sorter
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 485 In _______, the cells are referred by their fixed position in the worksheet.
1) cell referencing 
2) relative referencing
3) absolute referencing 
4) mixed referencing
5) fixed referencing 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 486 How many types of data can be entered in a worksheet?
1) Three 
2) Four
3) Two 
4) Five
5) Six 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 487 Which type of protocol is used for accessing Internet/web on mobile phones?
1) PPP 
3) FTP 
4) WAP
 Ans.) 4

Ques. : 488 The device which is used to connect the computer to the network media is called
1) cable 
2) hub
3) switch 
4) NIC
5) All the above
 Ans.) 4

Ques. : 489 One KB is equal to _______ bytes.
1) 124 
2) 924
3) 1024 
4) 1124
5) 1224 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 490 IEEE _______ standard is used for wirless LAN. 
1) 802.12 
2) 802.13
3) 802.15 
4) 802.11
5) 802.10 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 491 To change the selected text to all capital letters, click the change case button, then click
1) Uppercase 
2) Upper all
3) Capslock 
4) Lock Upper
5) Large Size 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 492 A person who uses his/her expertise to gain access to other people's computers to get information illegally or do damage is a

1) hacker 
2) analyst
3) instant messanger 
4) programmer
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 493 A device that connects to a network without the use of cables is said to be
1) distributed 
2) free
3) centralised 
4) open source
5) wireless 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 494 Reusable optical storage will typically have the acronym
1) CD 
2) DVD
3) ROM 
4) RW
5) ROS 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 495 A Web site’s main page is called its ________.
1) Homepage 
2) Browser page
3) Search page 
4) Bookmark
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 496 Which of the following was the first widely used OS with graphical interface?
1) OS12 
2) MVS
3) Mac OS 
4) DOS
5) VMS 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 497 Which of the following was the first widely used OS with graphical interface?
1) OS12 
2) MVS
3) Mac OS 
4) DOS
5) VMS 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 498 Lynx is a type of
1) search engine 
2) web index
3) meta­search­engine 
4) web browser
5) newsgroup
 Ans.) 4

Ques. : 499 A computer is a box full of electronic
1) chips 
2) registers
3) circuits 
4) switching devices
5) None of these
 Ans.) 4

Ques. : 500 Which of the following keyboards is the fastest?
2) Dvorak
3) Alphanumeric 
4) Numeric
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 501 Which hole is used to mark the location of the first sector in a soft­sectored disk?
1) Address 
2) Location
3) Label 
4) Primary
5) Index 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 502 The process of a computer receiving information from a server on the Internet is known as
1) pulling 
2) downloading
3) pushing
4) uploading
5) transferring 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 503 The part of the CPU which coordinates the activities of all other components of the computer is called

1) motherboard 
2) coordination board
3) Arithmetic Logic Unit 
4) control unit
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 504 Repair which is usually available on Internet without any charge, for a known software bug is called
1) patch 
2) version
3) help 
4) FAQ
5) tutorial 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 505 Which of the following was the first computer to use transisters instead of vacuum tubes?
1) Intel­650 
2) Burroughs E­101
3) Datametric­1000 
4) IBM 1401
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 506 The two basic types of record access methods are _________ and _________.
1) sequential, random 
2) direct, immediate
3) sequential, indexed 
4) on­line, realtime
5) None of these
 Ans.) 1

Ques. : 507 To save an existing file with a new name or a new location, you should use _________command.
1) save 
2) save and replace
3) new file 
4) save as
5) All the above
 Ans.) 4

Ques. : 508 The primary job of an operating system is to manage
1) commands 
2) users
3) programmes 
4) resources
5) process 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 509 _______ fields store the numbers used for calculation in database.
1) Next 
2) Key
3) Numeric 
4) Alphanumeric
5) Varchar 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 510 When sending an email, ________line describes the content of the message.
1) to 
2) CC
3) Contents 
4) BCC
5) Subject
 Ans.) 5

Ques. : 511 What is backup?
1) Adding more components to your network 
2) Protecting data by copying it from the original
source to a different destination
3) Filtering old data from the new data 
4) Accessing data on tape
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 512 ________ are type of inexpensive digital camera that remains tethered to a computer and are used for videoconferencing, video chatting, and live Web broadcast.
1) Webcams 
2) Webpics
3) Browsercams 
4) Browserpics
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 513 The acronym HTML stands for
1) High Transfer Machine Language 
2) High Transmission Machine Language
3) Hyper Text Markup Language 
4) Hypermedia Text Machine Language
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 514 Reference to each file on a disk are stored in a
1) file allocation table 
2) root allocation table
3) linking directory 
4) root directory
5) directory allocation table
 Ans.) 1

Ques. : 515 What is correcting error in a program is called?
1) Interpreting 
2) Translating
3) Debugging 
4) Compiling
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 516 Sending an email is similar to
1) writing a letter 
2) drawing a picture
3) talking on the phone 
4) sending a package
5) None of these
 Ans.) 1

Ques. : 517 To _________ a document means to make changes to its existing content.
1) format 
2) save
3) edit 
4) print
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 518 Where is the disk put to enable computer to read it?
1) Disk drive 
2) Memory
3) CPU 
4) ALU
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 519 What menu is selected to cut, copy and paste?
1) File 
2) Tools
3) Special 
4) Edit
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 520 The most important or powerful computer in a typical network is
1) desktop 
2) network client
3) network server 
4) network station
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 521 To change hardware components into more powerful or rectified version is called
1) expansion 
2) plug and play
3) upgrading 
4) upsizing
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 522 Which of the following views is present in Power Point?
1) Document view 
2) Slide sorter view
3) Slide changer view 
4) Play slide view
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 523 In order to move from one worksheet to another in excel workbook, one should click
1) active cell 
2) scroll bar
3) sheet tab 
4) tab button
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 524 Every device on the Internet has a unique ________ address that identifies it in the same way that a street address identifies the location of a house.
1) DH 
2) DA
3) IP 
4) IA

5) None of these
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 525 This type of hardware consists of devices that translate data into a form the computer can process
1) application 
2) input
3) system 
4) All of these
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 526 Which key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task?
1) Home 
2) Arrow
3) Space bar 
4) Ctrl
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 527 A set of step­by­step procedures for accomplishing a task is known as a(n)
1) algorithm 
2) hardware program
3) software bug 
4) firmware program
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 528 A group of 8 bits is known as
1) byte 
2) kilobyte
3) binary digit 
4) megabit
5) nibble
 Ans.) 1

Ques. : 529 The hardware device commonly referred to as the 'brain' of the computer is the
1) RAM chip 
2) data input
3) CPU 
4) secondary storage
5) None of these
 Ans.) 3

Ques. : 530 What is the intersection of a column and a row called on an Excel worksheet?
1) Column 
2) Value
3) Address 
4) Cell
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 531 The process of a computer of receiving information from a server on the Internet is called
1) pulling 
2) pushing
3) downloading 
4) transferring
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 532 You can start Microsoft Word by using __________ button.
1) New 
2) Program
3) Control Panel 
4) My Computer
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 533 Any data or instructions sent to the computer is termed as
1) storage 
2) output
3) input 
4) information
5) None of these
 Ans.) 3

Ques. : 534 Which of the following could you do to remove a paragraph from a report you had written?
1) Delete and edit 
2) Highlight and delete
3) Cut and paste 
4) Undo typing
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 535 All of the following storage media have Read and Write capabilities except
1) flash memory cards 
2) CD­ROMs

3) hard disk drives 
4) floppy disks
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 536 To what temporary area can you store text and other data, and later paste them to another location?
1) Clipboard 
2) ROM
3) CD­ROM 
4) Hard disk
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 537 If a user needs information instantly available to the CPU, it should be stored
1) on a CD 
2) in secondary storage
3) in the CPU 
4) in BIOS
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 538 The operating system called UNIX is typically used for
1) desktop computers 
2) laptop computers
3) super computers 
4) web servers
5) All the above 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 539 Press __________ to move the insertion point to the address box, or to highlight the URL in the address box.
1) Alt+D 
2) Alt+A
3) Shift+Tab 
4) Tab+Ctrl
5) Ctrl+S 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 540 A collection of unprocessed items is
1) Information 
2) data
3) memory 
4) reports
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 541 To prepare a presentation/slide show, which application is commonly used?
1) Photoshop 
2) Power Point
3) Outlook Express
4) Internet Explorer
5) All the above
 Ans.) 2

Ques. : 542 ________ is the process of carrying out commands.
1) Fetching 
2) Storing
3) Executing 
4) Decoding
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 543 Which of the following refers to the fastest, biggest and most expensive computers?
1) Personal Computers 
2) Supercomputers
3) Laptops 
4) Notebooks
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 544 Microsoft Word is an example of
1) an operating system 
2) a processing device
3) application software 
4) an input device
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 545 If you do not want to select any option after opening a menu then click menu title again or press key
________ to close the menu.
1) Shift 
2) Tab
3) Escape 
4) F1
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 546 It is easier to change the name of file using ________ process.

1) transforming 
2) christening
3) renaming 
4) retagging
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 547 A series 100 POST error code indicates a problem with the
1) hard drive 
2) RAM or ROM
3) system board 
4) video adapter
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 548 Which of the following are valid Min. and Max. zoom sizes in MS Office? 
1) 10, 100 2) 20, 250
3) 10, 500 4) 10, 1000
5) None of these
 Ans.) 3

Ques. : 549 In MS Excel, _______ contains one or more worksheets.
1) template 
2) workbook
3) active cell 
4) label
5) None of these
 Ans.) 2

Ques. : 550 Compiling creates a(n)
1) program specification 
2) algorithm
3) executable program 
4) subroutine
5) None of these
 Ans.) 3

Ques. : 551 Computers use the ___________ number system to store data and perform calculations.
1) decimal 
2) hexadecimal
3) octal 
4) binary
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 552 The ______ key will launch the Start button.
1) Esc 
2) Shift
3) Windows 
4) Tab
5) None of these
 Ans.) 3

Ques. : 553 A character of information is represented by a(n)
1) byte 
2) bit
3) field 
4) attribute
5) None of these
 Ans.) 2

Ques. : 554 A set of instructions telling the computer what to do is called
1) mentor 
2) instructor
3) compiler 
4) program
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 555 To maximise a window means
1) fill it to capacity 
2) expand it to fit the desktop
3) put only like files inside 
4) drag it to the recycle bin
5) None of these
 Ans.) 2

Ques. : 556 The "home page" of a website is
1) the largest page 
2) the last page
3) the first page
4) the most colourful page
5) None of these
 Ans.) 3

Ques. : 557 Which of the following is not associated with computers?

1) Bit 
2) Binary
3) Pencil 
4) Mouse
5) Screen 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 558 'MICR' technology used for clearance of cheques by banks refers to
1) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition 
2) Magnetic Ink Character Reading
3) Magnetic Information Cable Recognition 
4) Magnetic Insurance Cases Recognition
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 559 Modern computers represents characters and numbers internally using one of the following number systems?
1) Penta 
2) Octal
3) Hexa 
4) Septa
5) Binary 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 560 A ________ is approximately a million bytes.
1) gigabyte 
2) kilobyte
3) megabyte 
4) terabyte
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 561 If you wish to extend the length of the network without having the signal degrade, you would use a
1) repeater 
2) router
3) gateway 
4) switch
5) None of these
 Ans.) 1

Ques. : 562 To move down a page in a document
1) jump 
2) fly
3) wriggle 
4) scroll
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 563 Date and time are available on the desktop at
1) Taskbar 
2) My Computer
3) Recycle Bin 
4) Only 2) and 3)
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 564 Which type of resource does have greater probability to become shared resource in a computer network?
1) Printers 
2) Speakers
3) Floppy disk drivers 
4) Keyboards
5) None of these
 Ans.) 1

Ques. : 565 Which of the following terms is used to describe the movement of an item with the help of mouse to a new position on screen?
1) Click 
2) Double click
3) Drag and drop 
4) Point
5) Right click 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 566 What does storage unit provide?
1) Place for typing data 2) Storage for information and instruction
3) Place for printing information 4) All the above
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 567 ________ are dintinct items that don't have much meaning to you in a given context.
1) Fields 
2) Data
3) Queries 
4) Properties

5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 568 An example of a telecommunication device is a
1) Keyboard 
2) mouse
3) printer 
4) modem
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 569 Two or more computers connected to each other for sharing information form a
1) network 
2) router
3) server 
4) tunnel
5) pipeline 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 570 The benefit of using computers is that
1) Computers are very fast and can store huge 
2) Computers provide accurate output even when amounts of data. input is incorrect.
3) Computers are designed to be inflexible. 
4) All the above
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 571 The ________ becomes different shapes depending on the task you are performing.
1) active tab 
2) insertion point
3) mouse pointer 
4) ribbon
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 572 A collection of related information sorted and dealt with as a unit is a
1) disk 
2) data
3) file 
4) floppy
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 573 An output device that lets you see what the computer is doing
1) a disk drive 
2) monitor­screen
3) shift key 
4) printer
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 574 Bit is short for
1) binary system 
2) digital byte
3) binary digit 
4) binary unit
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 575 To access a mainframe or supercomputer, users often use a
1) terminal 
2) node
3) desktop 
4) handheld
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 576 By default, your documents print in __________mode.
1) landscape 
2) portrait
3) page setup 
4) print view
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 577 Firewalls are used to protect against
1) unauthorised attacks 
2) virus attacks
3) data driven attacks 
4) fire attacks
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 578 The term "hypertext" means
1) Non­sequential writing 
2) Hypermedia

3) Blinking text 
4) Text with heavy formatting
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 579 You can enter and edit the text efficiently using
1) spreadsheet 
2) typewriter
3) Word Processing Program 
4) Desktop Publishing Program
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 580 ______ may be included in other folder while making heirarchical structure folder.
1) Minifolder 
2) Tiered folder
3) Sub­folder 
4) Object
5) None of these
 Ans.) 3

Ques. : 581 A _____ shares hardware, software and data among authorised users.
1) network 
2) protocol
3) hyperlink 
4) transmitter
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 582 Computer programs are written in a high­level programming language; however, the human­readable version of a program is called
1) cache 
2) instruction set
3) source code 
4) word size
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 583 In world processing, an efficient way to move the 3rd paragraph to place it after the 5th paragraph is
1) copy and paste 
2) copy, cut and paste
3) cut, copy and paste 
4) cut and paste
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 584 Which of the following is an example of connectivity?
1) Internet 
2) floppy disk
3) power cord 
4) data
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 585 A disk on which you store information is called
1) plate 
2) data disk
3) paper disk 
4) TV disk
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 586 _______ allows you to print.
1) Ribbon 2) Monitor
3) Go now 4) Ctrl+P
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 587 Microsoft Office is an example of a
1) closed­source software 
2) open­source software
3) horizontal­market software 
4) vertical­market software
5) None of these
 Ans.) 1

Ques. : 588 A popular way to learn about computers without ever going to a classroom is called
1) c­learning 
2) isolated learning
3) e­learning 
4) close learning
5) distance learning 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 589 A person who uses his/her expertise to gain access to other people's ciomputers to get information illegally

or do damage is a
1) spammer 
2) hacker
3) instant messanger 
4) All of the above
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 590 Binary coded decimal (BCD) numbers express each decimal digit as a
1) bit 
2) byte
3) nibble 
4) binary digits
5) word
 Ans.) 3

Ques. : 591 What happens when a worksheet is not protected?
1) It cannot be opened. 
2) It cannot be saved.
3) It cannot be edited. 
4) It can be edited.
5) All cells get locked. 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 592 What is a firmware?
1) A program started in RAM. 
2) A program started in a file.
3) A program started in boot sector. 
4) A program started in ROM.
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 593 'TWAIN' is related to which of the following?
1) Printer 
2) Keyboard
3) Mouse 
4) Monitor
5) Scanner 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 594 The Internet is an example of __________ network.
1) star 
2) bus
3) hybrid 
4) mesh
5) ring 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 595 Blueprints are usually created using ____________software.
1) CGI 
2) Paint
3) Draw 
4) CAD
5) API 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 596 The power of a spreadsheet lies in its
1) cells 
2) formulas
3) labels 
4) worksheets
5) rows and columns
 Ans.) 2

Ques. : 597 IP address consists of how many bits?
1) 16 bits 
2) 8 bits
3) 30 bits 
4) 36 bits
5) 32 bits 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 598 Which storage decive is mounted on 'reels'?
1) Floppy disk 
3) Magnetic disk 
4) Magnetic tape
5) Hard disk 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 599 A paint program keeps track of every _________ placed on the screen.
1) image 2) object
3) pixel 4) colour
5) symbol 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 600 Rules of a programming language are called
1) procedures 
2) calls
3) methods 
4) login
5) syntax 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 601 A primary key can also be called a
1) super key 
2) candidate key
3) alternate key 
4) secondary key
5) foreign key 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 602 Which of the following is used to open a new file in MS Word?
1) Ctrl + X 
2) Ctrl + Y
3) Ctrl + Z 
4) Ctrl + F
5) Ctrl+N 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 603 Bridge operates in which of the following OSI layers?
1) Physical 
2) Network
3) Data Link 
4) Both 1) and 3)
5) Session 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 604 _______ printer is used for fax machines.
1) Line 
2) Dot matrix
3) Laser 
4) Inkjet
5) Thermal 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 605 What does AMD stands for?
1) Advanced Mainframe Devices 
2) Advanced Micro Devices
3) Advanced Mini Devices 
4) Advanced Monitor Devices
5) Advanced Major Devices 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 606 To open format cells dialogue box in MS Excel, we press
1) Ctrl + 1 
2) Shift+1
3) Alt+1 
4) Ctrl+Shift+1
5) F1 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 607 _______ provides electronic data interchange facility.
1) ISDN 
2) LAN
3) VAN 
4) CAN
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 608 An assembly language is a division of
1) Middle level language 
2) High level language
3) Low level language 
4) Machine language
5) None of these
 Ans.) 3

Ques. : 609 A language based on graphics for use in education is called
 Ans.) 2

Ques. : 610 Which is the most popular medium for direct access to secondary storage of a computer?
1) Magnetic tape 
2) ROM
3) RAM 
4) Magnetic disk
5) PROM 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 611 Ethernet uses _________ topology.
1) bus 
2) ring
3) star 
4) tree
5) mesh
 Ans.) 1

Ques. : 612 Which of the following produces the best quality graphics reproduction?
1) Laser printer 
2) Inkjet printer
3) Plotter 
4) Dot matrix printer
5) CAD 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 613 A process is another name for
1) job 
2) program
3) task 
4) method
5) call 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 614 A computer virus is a software program which has the essential ability to
1) damage data 
2) clone itself
3) hide itself 
4) damage program
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 615 The interface of data from a CPU to peripheral devices of a computer is achieved through
1) interface 
2) commands
3) buffer 
4) parts of computer
5) All the above 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 616 DOS cannot retrieve any data from a disk if a computer virus corrupts the ________ of the computer.
1) directory area 
2) data area
3) BAT files 
4) file allocation table
5) root directory area 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 617 Salami attack is a type of attack that operates on
1) ocnfidential data 
2) company data
3) employee data 
4) financial data
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 618 Which of the following is NOT a part of the operating system?
1) Supervisor 
2) Jon­control program
3) I/O control program 
4) Performance monitor
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 619 Reel­to­reel tape drives are commonly used with
1) mini computers 
2) micro computers
3) mainframe computers 
4) laptops
5) personal computers 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 620 To select an entire row in the Excelsheet, the shortcut key that is used is
1) Ctrl+Space 
2) Ctrl+Arrow
3) Shift+Arrow 
4) Ctrl+Tab
5) Shift+Space 

Ans.) 5

Ques. : 621 What is the number of maximum columns that can be inserted in a Word (2003) document? 
1) 35 
2) 42
3) 45 4) 55
5) 52 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 622 _________ are the summarised version of slides that display only titles.
1) Handouts 2) Outlines
3) Speaker notes 4) Slide sorter
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 623 In _____, the cell are referred by their fixed position in the worksheet.
1) cell referencing 
2) relative referencing
3) absolute referencing 
4) mixed referencing
5) fixed referencing 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 624 How many types of data can be entered in a worksheet?
1) Three 
2) Four
3) Two 
4) Five
5) Six 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 625 Which type of protocol is used for accessing Internet/web on mobile phones?
1) PPP 
3) FTP 
4) WAP
5) SMTP 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 626 The device which is used to connect the computer to the network media is called
1) cable 
2) hub
3) switch 
4) NIC
5) All the above 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 627 IEEE _______ standard is used for wirless LAN. 
1) 802.12 
2) 802.13
3) 802.15 4) 802.11
5) 802.10
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 628 DNS is extremely important for the correct functioning of the Internet as it
1) encrypts data 
2) maps symbolic names for machines onto their IP address
3) translates message into machine language 
4) All the above
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 629 Which of the following was the first widely used OS with graphical interface?
1) OS12 
2) MVS
3) Mac OS 
4) DOS
5) VMS 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 630 Lynx is a type of
1) search engine 
2) web index
3) meta­search­engine 
4) web browser
5) newsgroup 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 631 A computer is a box full of electronic
1) chips 
2) registers
3) circuits 
4) switching devices
5) None of these
 Ans.) 4

Ques. : 632 Which hole is used to mark the location of the first sector in a soft­sectored disk?
1) Address 
2) Location
3) Label 
4) Primary

5) Index 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 633 The process of a computer receiving information from a server on the Internet is known as
1) pulling 
2) downloading
3) pushing 
4) uploading
5) transferring 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 634 The part of CPU which coordinated the activities of all other components of the computer is
1) motherboard 
2) coordination board
3) Arithmetic Logic Unit 
4) Control Unit
5) None of these
 Ans.) 1

Ques. : 635 Repair which is usually available on Internet without any charge, for a known software bug is called
1) patch 
2) version
3) help 
4) FAQ
5) tutorial 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 636 Which was the first computer to use transisters instead of vacuum tubes?
1) Intel­650 
2) Burroughs E­101
3) Datametric­1000 
4) IBM 1401
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 637 The two basic types of record access methods are _________ and _________.
1) sequential, random 
2) direct, immediate
3) sequential, indexed 
4) on­line, realtime
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 638 To save an existing file with a new name or a new location, you should use _________command.
1) save 
2) save and replace
3) new file 
4) save as
5) All the above 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 639 The primany job of an operating system is to manage
1) commands 
2) users
3) programs 
4) resources
5) process 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 640 ________ fields store the numbers used for calculation in database.
1) Next 
2) Key
3) Numeric 
4) Alphanumeric
5) Valchar 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 641 When sending an email, ________line describes the content of the message.
1) to 

2) CC
3) contents 
4) BCC
5) Subject
 Ans.) 5

Ques. : 642 What is the keyboard shortcut for creating chart from the selected cell range? 
1) F2 
2) F4
3) F8 
4) F10
5) F11 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 643 Which of the following methods will not enter data into a cell?
1) Pressing an errow key 
2) Pressing the Esc key
3) Pressing the tab key 
4) Clicking the enter button to the formula bar

5) None of these
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 644 Anti­virus is a ________ software.
1) system 
2) utility
3) application 
4) operating system
5) None of these
 Ans.) 2

Ques. : 645 A _____ contains commands that can be selected.
1) pointer 
2) menu
3) icon 
4) button
5) table 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 646 The stock pointer in 8085 microprocessor is a
1) 16­bit accumulator 2) memory location in the stock
3) flag register used for the stock 4) 16­bit register that points to stock memory
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 647 ________ is used in academic testing.
1) MICR 
2) POS
3) OCR 
4) OMR
5) Bar code reader 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 648 _________ is called as a supervisor of computer activities.
1) Memory 
2) OS
3) I/O devices 
4) CU
5) ALU 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 649 Repeater works in _________ layer of the OSI model.
1) application 
2) transport
3) physical 
4) data link
5) network 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 650 RAS stands for
1) Random Access Security 
2) Random Access Service
3) Remote Access Security 
4) Remote Access Service
5) Remote Access Standard 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 651 Band, the unit for measuring data transmission speed, is equal to
1) one bit per second 
2) one byte per second
3) two bytes per second 
4) two bits per second
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 652 What type of computer can support hundreds of people at any time?
1) Desktop 
2) Laptop
3) Microcomputer 
4) Minicomputer
5) Mainframe Computer
 Ans.) 5

Ques. : 653 ________ uses viruses to destroy computer hardware and software.
1) Spoofing 
2) Tunneling
3) Sabotage 
4) Phishing
5) Flooding 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 654 Which of the following is NOT a Microsoft Internet tool technology?
1) Dream Weaver 
2) Internet Explorer

3) Outlook Express 
4) Silverlight
5) Expression web 
Ans.) 1
Ques. : 655 What are concentric circles on floppy disks known as
1) Tracks 
2) Cylinders
3) Segments 
4) Holes
5) Sectors 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 656 The cell reference for cell range G3 to M13 is
1) G3,M13 
2) G3­M13
3) G3;M13 
4) G3:M13
5) G3+M13 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 657   _______ memory has the shortest access time.
1) Cache 
2) Virual
3) Secondary 
4) Primary
5) Read only 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 658 Unix operating system is a
1) multiuser OS 
2) time­sharing OS
3) multi­tasking OS 
4) All the above
5) None of these 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 659 Which access method is used to access cassette tapes?
1) Direct 
2) Sequential
3) Indirect 
4) Parallel
5) Both 1) and 2)
 Ans.) 2

Ques. : 660 How many layers are there in the TCP/IP model?
1) four 
2) five
3) six 
4) seven
5) three 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 661   A walky­talky set is an example of ________ system.
1) simplex 
2) half duplex
3) full deplex 
4) double duplex
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 662 EBCDIC can code how many different characters? 
1) 8 
2) 16
3) 32 
4) 64
5) 256
 Ans.) 5

Ques. : 663 _______ provides a connection­oriented reliable service for sending message.
1) IP 
2) TCP
3) UDP 
5) None of these
 Ans.) 2

Ques. : 664 In mark sensing, data is read
1) optically 
2) electrically
3) magnetically 
4) mechanically
5) None of these 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 665 _______ layer of the OSI model is also called an end­to­layer.

1) Presentation 
2) Network
3) Session 
4) Transport
5) Application
 Ans.) 4

Ques. : 666 A Winchester disk is a
1) disk stack 
2) removal disk
3) flexible disk 
4) All the above
5) None of these
 Ans.) 1

Ques. : 667 IEEE _______ is the standard for token bus.
1) 802.3 
2) 802.4
3) 802.5 
4) 802.2
5) 802.6 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 668 Plotter accuracy is measured in terms of repeatability and
1) buffer size 
2) resolution
3) vertical dimension 
4) intelligence
5) None of these
 Ans.) 2

Ques. : 669 How many types of storage loops exst in magnetic bubble memory? 
1) 8 
2) 4
3) 16 
4) 2
5) 32 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 670 Which of the following IP address classes is multicast?
1) Class A 
2) Class B
3) Class C 
4) Class D
5) Class E 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 671 The blinking symbol on the computer screen is called
1) mouse 
2) logo
3) hand 
4) palm
5) cursor 
Ans.) 5

Ques. : 672 In second generation computers, speed was measured in
1) nanoseconds 
2) milliseconds
3) microseconds 
4) picoseconds
5) None of these
 Ans.) 3

Ques. : 673 _______ is NOT an Intenet connection.
1) Broadband 
3) DSL 
5) Dial­up 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 674 The output quality of a printer is measured by
1) dots per sq inch 
2) dots per inch
3) Dots printed per unit 
4) dots printed per line
5) Both 1) and 2) 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 675 How many values can be represented by a single byte?
 1) 4 
2) 16
3) 64
 4) 256
5) 512
 Ans.) 4

Ques. : 676 _______ is the process of finding errors in software code.
1) Compiling            
2) Testing
3) Running               
4) Debugging
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 677 Which piece of hardware protects the resource of a private network from other networks?
1) Cache server        
2) Proxy server
3) Firewall                 
4) Router
5) Bridge 
Ans.) 3
Ques. : 678 What is the shortcut key for 'Find and Replace' dialogue box?
1) Ctrl+A      
2) Ctrl+R
3) Ctrl+H     
 4) Ctrl+M
5) Ctrl+N 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 679 _______ are used to identify a user who returns to a website.
1) Cookies           
2) Plug­in
3) Scripts             
5) Browser 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 680 All the information collected during database development is stored in a
1) repository              
2) dataware house
3) RAD                      
5) None of these
 Ans.) 2
Ques. : 681 COBOL is used in ____________applications.
1) commercial                    
 2) scientific
3) space                              
4) mathematical
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1
Ques. : 682 The altering of data so that it is not usable unless the changes are undone is called
1) Biometrics       
2) Compression
3) Encryption       
4) Ergonomics
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 683 The formulas in Excel start with
1) %        
2) =
3) + 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 684 The ______ key will launch the Start button.
1) Esc                
2) Shift
3) Windows      
4) Ctrl
5) Tab
 Ans.) 3

Ques. : 685 Search menu is available at which of the following buttons?
1) End           
 2) Start
3) Turn off     
4) Restart
5) Reboot 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 686 Which of the following displays the address and name of the selected cell?
1) Name box         2) Row heading
3) Formula bar     4) Task pane
5) None of these 
Ans.) 1

Ques. : 687 The process of transferring files from your computer to a computer on the Internet is called
1) downloading      
2) uploading
3) FTP                     
 4) JPEG
5) downsizing 
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 688   In how many ways can we save a document?
1) four       
2) two
3) five        
4) one
5) can't save a document
 Ans.) 2

Ques. : 689 Which of the following can be used to select the entire column in a worksheet?
1) shift+space        2) ctrl+space
3) alt+space          4) ctrl+space+1
5) shift+space+1    
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 690 Machine code is a
1) high­level language       
2) software language
3) low­level language        
4) middle­level language
5) compiler     
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 691 Objects on the slide that hold text are called
1) object holders         
2) text holders
3) auto layout              
4) place holders
5) data holders  
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 692 The speedometer of a car represents
1) digital computer       
2) hybrid computer
3) analog computer       
4) micro computer
5) mini computer 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 693 C++ is
1) a procedure­oriented language
 2) a problem­oriented language
3) an object­oriented language 
4) a program­oriented language
5) None of these
 Ans.) 3

Ques. : 694 What is the number of bit pattern provided by a 7­bit code?
 1) 256      
2) 128
3) 64       
 4) 512
5) 32    
Ans.) 2

Ques. : 695 Process is
1) a program in high­level language kep on hard 
2) contents of main memory disk
3) a program in execution 
4) a job in secondary memory
5) None of these 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 696   By default, the left margin in the Word document is
1) 1 inch                  
 2) 2 inches
3) 1.25 inches         
4) 1.35 inches
5) 1.75 inches 
Ans.) 3

Ques. : 697 The parity bit is added for
1) loading     
2) indexing
3) updating     
4) error detection
5) hashing 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 698 Flash memory is the type of
1) ROM          
3) EPROM     
5) RAM 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 699 MS Excel contains _________rows.,
1) 65,500     
2) 65,534
3) 65,535       
4) 65,536
5) 65,533 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 700 The topology with highest reliability is
1) bus     
2) star
3) ring     
4) mesh
5) tree 
Ans.) 4

Ques. : 701 The term gigabyte refers to
1) 1024 bytes               
2) 1204 kbytes
3) 1024 megabytes      
4) 1024 terabytes
5) None of these 

Ans.) 3

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